The Wayne SWCD Board of Supervisors will hold their regular monthly board meeting on Tuesday, April 8, 2025 at 8:30 a.m.  

The meeting will be held in the SWCD office located on the lower level of the County Administration Building, 428 West Liberty Street, Wooster, Ohio.

**We are now accepting orders for our 2025 Tree and Fish Sale!!** 

Click here for the 2025 Fish Sale Order Form  - Fish order deadline is Thursday, April 3; Fish pickup is Thursday, April 10  8:00-9:30a.m. at the Wayne County Fairgrounds parking lot by the Event Center

Click here for the 2025 Tree Sale Order Form - Tree order deadline is Thursday, March 13; Tree sale pickup is Wednesday, April 16 from 12:00-4:30p.m. at the Wayne County Fairgrounds - Sheep Barn

Have you heard the news??  

We have NEW 2025 Wayne County Plat Books available in our office for only $25!!


*We can only take cash or check

The Wayne SWCD is a political subdivision of the State of Ohio, Ohio Department of Agriculture, Division of Soil and Water Conservation. Each one of Ohio's 88 counties has a local office. The Wayne SWCD was established by local election of the populace in 1947.

MISSION: The mission of the Wayne Soil and Water Conservation District is to protect, restore, enhance, and promote the wise use of natural resources. This will be achieved through the development of projects, technical assistance, education of the public, the cooperation of landowners/users, and through coordination with our partner agencies.

VISION: The Wayne Soil and Water Conservation District goal is to be recognized as a leader in promoting responsible stewardship and conservation of natural resources by providing education, technical assistance and the implementation of best management practices with friendly public service and a strong healthy working partnership with USDA/NRCS and our local agencies.

The Dust Bowl of the 1930's

Photo credit: NOAA Photo Library

It was the Dust Bowl days of the 1930s, a time when drought choked the Great Plains stretching across Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, New Mexico and Colorado. Soil from America's breadbasket filled the skies. Sometimes a single dust storm lingered for days.

The storms were the result of drought and poor agricultural practices. Grasslands, which held soil in place, had been plowed and replanted with wheat. With rain, the crop was abundant. But when drought struck in the 1930s, farmers continued to plow and plant. With no ground cover remaining, the winds whipped the soil skyward.

In 1941, the 94th Ohio General Assembly passed House Bill 646, authorizing the formation of Soil and Water Conservation Districts to develop and implement programs to conserve soil, water and related programs. Between 1942 and 1963, soil conservation districts were formed in every county in Ohio. Wayne County was formed in the year 1947.